Mats Staub is a traveller through the realms of memory. His long term projects grow incrementally from place to place. So, for example, he has interviewed over three hundred people in fourteen cities about what they know about their grandparents for the continually expanding audio installation My Grandparents | Memory Bureau.
In the video installation 21 – Memories of Growing Up he has created portraits of people from very different generations in the moment of recalling their experiences from when they were 21 years old. This installation also grows as it travels from city to city and is continually presented in new forms.
His long-term project, Death and Birth in My Life (since 2019), asks about existential experiences. It brings people together to talk to each other about their experiences of death and birth – until now conversations took place e.g. in Manchester, Kinshasa, Munich, Basel, Bamako and Paris. The work was presented in Theatres and Museums, since 2021 also in private livingrooms.