Pony Cam Collective











Pony Cam are an award-winning experimental collective of five theatre makers from around Australia. Their work is driven by a desire to bring people together to create experiences that could not otherwise be had. By subverting well-known forms, activating unexpected spaces, and inviting audiences into their work in unexpected ways, they create moments where audiences are challenged to question their assumptions, laugh at themselves, and reject habitual recourse.

As an ensemble they have trained together for over five years, and their practice is instinctive, physical, and highly playful. No two of their works are formally the same, but each is driven by a desire to reimagine their impact in the world, find joy in community, remain utterly silly and laugh in the face of tragedy.


Burnout Paradise - 2023


Pony Cam Collective
"It’s sheer bedlam in the most magnificent way, with the very nature of the show meaning the impending disaster trail will unravel wildly differently every night."
Time Out
"If watching an arts grant application’s arcane and inscrutable complexities in real-time – complete with the attached Excel budget spreadsheet – isn’t your idea of a gripping thriller, think again!"
SA Russell Words
"Magnificently chaotic, breathlessly frenetic fun"
The Scotsman